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Results Page 13: Expert Answers from Hearing Healthcare Providers

What is the best BiCros hearing aid?

The best BiCros is a somewhat subjective question.  The answer varies based on your particular hearing loss and the skill of the dispenser. ...

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Are hearing aids safe to wear while hunting?

No, hearing aids are not safe to wear while hunting with firearms. If you are hunting with a non-noise generating weapon, feel free to wear your...

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Are there hearing aids for musicians? What are the best options?

Excellent question! Hearing aids are for anyone with hearing loss, so being a musician does not limit your options from what’s available.In my...

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What are the best ear plugs for comfort and noise protection?

In my experience custom solutions work far better for most people than off the shelf solutions. Sure the initial investment is a little higher but...

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Is it safe to remove ear wax with Hydrogen Peroxide?

It is safe, and an effective way to remove earwax from the ear canals, provided that you do not have a perforated eardrum. I would also recommend...

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When will direct audio streaming from Android be available for the LiNX Quattro hearing aids?

Without having a crystal ball, there is no way to calculate a release date for "direct to Android" connectivity to the Quattro.  Trust me, we all...

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My hearing aids are apparently "obsolete". Are there any aftermarket hearing aid repair shops?

Most manufacturers stop servicing hearing aids after 5-7 years but there are several all make repair shops clinics can use if the manufacturer is...

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Are there any truly invisible hearing aids?

Truly invisible hearing aids are fit deeply into the ear canal.  Phonak makes the Lyric and it is semipermanently fit into the ear canal by an...

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I have a high tone in my right ear. Do I need to see an audiologist or can I see any hearing professional?

Thanks for asking about the tone in your ear. The common term used when describing a sound in your ear(s) that is not generated from your...

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Can the radiation from wireless hearing aids cause brain damage?

We do not believe that any hearing devices emit enough radiation to cause any adverse health effects. Most newer products use a low-power...

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Displaying Expert question 121 - 130 of 260 in total