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Oticon Medical Ponto

Oticon Medical Ponto Bone Anchored Hearing Aid

Reviews and Prices

4 stars stars

3.9 stars from 7 reviews

Hands-Free Calling No
iPhone Streaming No
Android Streaming No
Rechargeable No
IP Rating No

About the Oticon Medical Ponto

The Oticon Medical Ponto is a family of hearing aids that includes at least 2 unique models. Models include the Ponto and the Ponto Power.

Oticon Medical Ponto Model Comparison

Oticon Medical Ponto Oticon Medical Ponto Power
Oticon Medical Ponto Oticon Medical Ponto Power

4 reviews


2 reviews

Bluetooth® Audio Protocol
  • Accessory required
  • Accessory required
Disposable Batteries Battery Size
Battery Size
Push Button
Volume Rocker

Model details listed above may be incomplete or inaccurate. For full specifications please refer to product specifications published by the original equipment manufacturer. To suggest a correction to the details listed, please email

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Oticon Medical Ponto Technology Details

Oticon Medical Ponto Plus

6 reviews


Technology specifications listed above may be incomplete or inaccurate. For full specifications please refer to product specifications published by the original equipment manufacturer. To suggest a correction to the details listed, please email

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Oticon Medical Ponto Accessories

ConnectLine App

ConnectLine App


  • Smartphone App

Compatible Aids

  • Ponto
Oticon Medical Streamer

Oticon Medical Streamer


Compatible Aids

  • Ponto
  • Ponto Power

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Oticon Medical Ponto Videos

Oticon Medical Ponto Video 18 September 2015

Ponto Plus family of bone anchored sound processors

"The Ponto Plus family is the most powerful sound processor family with wireless capabilities in the market. This video gives an introduction to...

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Oticon Medical Ponto Reviews

Hearing aid reviews are fundamentally different from reviews for most other consumer electronic products. The reason is because individual factors, like degree of hearing loss, have a profound effect one's success and overall satisfaction with the product. When purchasing a hearing aid, you'll need to consider more than just your hearing outcome ... Continue reading

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Overall Ratings

Hearing Tracker uses a ten-question survey to assess consumer feedback on hearing aids. The percentage bars below reflect the average ratings provided per question, averaged across all hearing aids belonging to this family of devices.
Note: Original answers provided in star rating format.

Benefit in Quiet
No data available
Benefit in Noise
No data available
Benefit on the Phone
No data available
Clear and Natural
No data available
Music Improvement
No data available
Physical Comfort
No data available
No data available
No data available
Hearing Improvement
No data available
No data available
Anonymous 24 April 2024
5 stars stars

I got this from the audiology room in Bellevue clinical, and it is SO good. The sound is fairly natural, but also still audible. There is about 0 background noise after a day of use. (Keep in mind that I am not even 13 yet, so results might vary)

Dogman635 18 March 2024
5 stars stars
Oticon Medical Ponto

First, let me say I think the REVIEW, show her for PONTO is setup wrong for any fair review. I have been a Ponto 3, 4, and now 5 Ponto user and I love having used all of them. I did an in-depth post on the Ponto 5, with iPhone APP. I use a Clip and fishing line attached should I knock it off its abutment post, which has happened, and I do wear all kinds of hats, to include cowboy, and ball caps manly. I started with Oticon Ponto in 2005, and just stepped up into the five in May of 2023. I like the forum as a wonderful way to cross paths with fellow Oticon BAHA hearing aid users. I was very stand off from others during the meeting as I had a ridiculously tough time understanding what others were saying. I did have an issue with inching around the abutment and was given "clobetasol Propionate Topical Solution" which stops it fast". As for the buildup of tissue around the abutment, when dry I twist my fingers around the abutment remove dry skin, my first post skin did grow over and had to be cut away and nothing more after that. My only regret was not having it done years prior and now I'm part of most every conversation, so it's a new life for me. If you do get a BAHA, understand first hearing test and assessment, then surgery and wait for 6-weeks for bone and abutment to cure together. then another hearing test. I can still recall junk in my door pockets sliding around in the truck as I drove home. WOW, so wonderful to hear MUSIC, people and my grandchildren get to wear a strap and hear Grandpa hearing aid. Thank you, too Ludwig Van Beethoven, who was a deaf piano player, who used a stick with one end of his stick on his piano and the other end on his bone under his ear to hear the sound and music come alive. Along with, Evelyn Glennie, through her body, Chris Martin, Ray Charles all demonstrate that music transcends physical limitations.  

Anonymous 16 September 2021
4 stars stars
Oticon Medical Ponto

I had a Ponto 4 and it was a great help, but it came off too easily.  I lost it somewhere between Georgia and Texas. I cannot afford to purchase a new one, but would like to buy a used one.  zit wouldn't have to be a Ponto 4 - any Ponto would be better than having none.

Anonymous 18 April 2021
4 stars stars
Oticon Medical Ponto Power

I have had my pinto plus for 3 years now, and frankly couldn't manage without it.

The device itself works well, ok you get wins noise but just switch it off outside because it's so easy to press the off button

Anonymous 21 October 2019
0.5 stars stars
Oticon Medical Ponto
Lousy 2 yrs now anchor site still painful device never tuned in don't do it I regret it.
John 23 February 2018
4.5 stars stars
Oticon Medical Ponto Power
As, I Have been hearing challenged for over 50 years I do not know what natural sound really is. I do know what sounds right to me. These are very good Baha's I have not had to have any repairs, except one, I dropped the right Baha and the battery door broke off. I took it back to the Audi, and she sent it in for repair. I have these set at full volume and at the highest settings.. fyi - I have older cochlear bahas - they required lots of repairs.. I red some of the other reviews - yes the Bahas are bulky.. nevertheless , one needs to know that this is a fairly new type of hearing aid. My first hearing aid was a square box the size of a cigarette pack attached to a 3 wire cable/ cord , attached to a 3 nickel thick in size receiver, attached to a very hard plastic custom ear mold. I was only 5 years old .. Frankenstein ok perhaps in time the device will be more stylish? nevertheless if you have a hearing loss outstanding enough , that warrants a Baha, is hearing whats going on around you not important enough to to do what you got to do? The improvement for me in my hearing is well worth the inconvenience of something fragile and bulky attached to my skull. I have no problem with the sound quality. I was in my late 40's when this type of hearing device came out. an audiologist suggested I look into it, went for it , I recall my 20 ish year old son saying please don't where your baha out in public dad it looks so bad.. .I too have problems with pain at my left baha abutment site.. nevertheless, this has not stopped me from wearing my right side baha. I am going to see my ear doctor on Monday to see what he says.
Anonymous 12 July 2015
5 stars stars
Oticon Medical Ponto
Has vastly improved my work performance enabling me to get the correct information and not just guessing.

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Use the form below to leave a quick comment about the Oticon Medical Ponto. Alternatively, consider providing more thorough feedback using our hearing aid review system. If you review your hearing aids using our review system, we'll send you a $5 promotional credit for use in our hearing aid battery shop as a special thank you. Review your hearing aids now.

I use a ponto power plus BAHA. The idea is a great one. My surgery went well and the abutment is fine. I am female. However, the hearing aid is so large it protrudes more than two and a half centimetres from my skull. This means it shows a lots through my long hair which is very embarrassing. The hearing aid looks like something which was designed and built fifty years ago. Even the very cheap blue tooth earphones and ear pieces have bought for my working ear look good and I don't mind them showing. Why does the Ponto Power Plus look and feel like it came out of the ark? The hearing aid is very large. It is also very easy to accidentally send flying off with even the lightest touch from a hair brush or hand. I am also unimpressed with some of the sound quality and very excessive wind noise.
I am iffy about my Ponto Plus at this point- it is easily knocked off and since I am still struggling with ear infections, not sure how I would rate it's sound/hearing improvement . I'm a year and a half out from surgery and still having tenderness and oozing from abutment site. Anyone else having this issue? I clean it every day.
Hi, are you still having these issues? I am having these issues and I have had mine for about two years I got it done in Feb 2016. I have the same issue as well as the oozing, crusty and tenderness and I clean it every day. I hope you have found a solution and would like to please share it with me.
I had my Ponto removed after about a year. When I undressed, it would fly off my head; when someone hugged me at church, it would squeal; the entrance point in my head was always sore; I couldn't sleep on that side of my head because of tenderness, and it didn't help with directional hearing. On top of that, when I didn't have the abutman on, the screw sticking out of my head made me feel like Frankenstein. In case you're interested, it's a piece of cake having one removed. The doctor gives you some deadening injections, then just unscrews it. My abutment is for!
I have had a bone anchored hearing aid for several years now. I have the Ponto Plus now, and agree it is disappointingly bulky. However, I am lucky enough to have thick hair and it doesn't show underneath it at all. In the early days of using a bone anchored aid, I also knocked it off when combing or brushing hair, or left it on when it was raining because I had forgotten it was there! I also experienced tenderness when lying on the abutment. Persistence pays, however, and you do get used to not combing hair while using it. You eventually remember to take it off before it rains, and always before a bath or shower or pulling clothes over your head, and the tenderness around the abutment eventually eases, so sleeping on it is no longer much of a problem. The improvement for me in my hearing is well worth the inconvenience of something fragile attached to my skull. I have no problem with the sound quality. I that is a problem for another user - perhaps it needs adjusting.
I might be interested in buying yours Ponto. Please contact mem my e-mail adress is
I have had my ponto hearing aid for about two years. I received mine on Feb 2016. Till this day I have only used it a handful of times. It is painful to wear my sight has healed but is still tender to the touch I can no longer lay or sleep on my right side. It still oozes to this day. I wake up and the sight is crusty I clean the sight every night and morning and is still dirty. I have long thick hair but it sticks out. I also have to part my hair to allow the hearing aid to actually hear if not all you hear is your hair rubbing against the mic. In all honesty, if I was to go back and get it done I would not get it done. I paid too much out of pocket and afraid I will have to pay too much to get it removed. It is simply too painful and I am afraid to dye my hair or do anything with my hair because I am scared that it will get infected and the pin is in my skull makes me frightful of an infection reaching my brain. I have been single sided deaf for my whole life and I regret wholeheartedly my surgery and receiving the ponto hearing aid.

First, let me say that I think the REVIEWS shown here for PONTO are unclear as to which Ponto is questionably in review for any fair review.

I have been a Ponto 3, 4, and now 5 Ponto user and I love having used all of them. I did an in-depth post on the Ponto 5, with iPhone APP. I use a Clip and fishing line attached should I knock it off its abutment post, which has happened, and I do wear all kinds of hats, to include cowboy, and ball caps manly. I started with Oticon Ponto in 2005, and just stepped up into the five in May of 2023. I like the forum as a wonderful way to cross paths with fellow Oticon BAHA hearing aid users. I was very stand off from others during the meeting as I had a ridiculously tough time understanding what others were saying. I did have an issue with inching around the abutment and was given "clobetasol Propionate Topical Solution" which stops it fast". As for the buildup of tissue around the abutment, when dry I twist my fingers around the abutment remove dry skin, my first post skin did grow over and had to be cut away and nothing more after that. My only regret was not having it done years prior and now I'm part of most every conversation, so it's a new life for me.

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