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Results Page 5: Expert Answers from Hearing Healthcare Providers

What are the best hearing aids for musicians?

As others have indicated here, having instruments with the widest dynamic range is important, particularly in the input limit of the microphones....

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How far into the canal do I push the little rubber umbrella on my RIC hearing aid?

The little elbow of the RIC wire should be neatly tucked into the notch above the triangular cartilage in front of your ear canal (the tragus),...

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My provider only carries one brand of hearing aids. Is it important to have several brands to choose from?

No one manufacturer has it all and they are leapfrogging each other with new technology all the time. Particularly with regard to water...

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Will Donald Trump help bring down the cost of hearing aids?

The president has no direct power over the price of hearing aids. There was a bill to give a tax credit when you buy hearing aids but it did not...

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Which IIC hearing aids are the best? I'm looking for devices that can adjust on their own based on any noise environment, with a natural feel and clear sound.

All labs that produce IICs have technology levels that adjust for noisy environments to the best degree that today's technology allows. No IIC, or...

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Are any hearing aid companies offering cyber monday deals?

I would say it's relatively unusual for clinics to offer deals and the manufacturer of the devices cannot directly offer any deals as the devices...

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Which hearing aids can stream music from an android phone?

Nearly all hearing aids currently on the market from every manufacturer can stream music from an Android, or any other smart phone that has...

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Does the Resound LiNX2 have a hands-free capability of talking on iPhone without bringing the iPhone up to the mouth?

It absolutely does, but requires the Phone Clip+.  The Linx2 allows audio through the iPhone wirelessly, but still requires you to use the...

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Displaying Expert question 41 - 50 of 154 in total

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