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The Phonak Bolero Q may no longer be available. Check out the newer Phonak Bolero M.

Phonak Bolero Q M312

Phonak Bolero Q Hearing Aid

Reviews and Prices

4 stars stars

4.0 stars from 28 reviews

Hands-Free Calling No
iPhone Streaming No
Android Streaming No
Rechargeable No
IP Rating IP67

About the Phonak Bolero Q

The Phonak Bolero Q is a family of hearing aids that includes at least 4 unique models and 4 unique technology levels. Models include the Bolero Q M312, the Bolero Q M13, the Bolero Q P, and the Bolero Q SP. Technology levels include the Bolero Q Q50, the Bolero Q Q70, the Bolero Q Q90, and the Bolero Q Q30.

Phonak Bolero Q Model Comparison

Phonak Bolero Q M312 Phonak Bolero Q M13 Phonak Bolero Q P Phonak Bolero Q SP
Phonak Bolero Q M312 Phonak Bolero Q M13 Phonak Bolero Q P Phonak Bolero Q SP

6 reviews


9 reviews


9 reviews


4 reviews

Disposable Batteries Battery Size
Battery Size
Battery Size
Battery Size
IP Rating (Liquid) 7
IP Rating (Solid) 6
Push Button
Volume Rocker

Model details listed above may be incomplete or inaccurate. For full specifications please refer to product specifications published by the original equipment manufacturer. To suggest a correction to the details listed, please email

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Phonak Bolero Q Technology Levels

Phonak Bolero Q Q50 Phonak Bolero Q Q70 Phonak Bolero Q Q90 Phonak Bolero Q Q30

4 reviews


14 reviews


9 reviews


1 review

Adjustment Synchronization

Technology specifications listed above may be incomplete or inaccurate. For full specifications please refer to product specifications published by the original equipment manufacturer. To suggest a correction to the details listed, please email

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Phonak Bolero Q Reviews

Hearing aid reviews are fundamentally different from reviews for most other consumer electronic products. The reason is because individual factors, like degree of hearing loss, have a profound effect one's success and overall satisfaction with the product. When purchasing a hearing aid, you'll need to consider more than just your hearing outcome ... Continue reading

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Overall Ratings

Hearing Tracker uses a ten-question survey to assess consumer feedback on hearing aids. The percentage bars below reflect the average ratings provided per question, averaged across all hearing aids belonging to this family of devices.
Note: Original answers provided in star rating format.

Benefit in Quiet
No data available
Benefit in Noise
No data available
Benefit on the Phone
No data available
Clear and Natural
No data available
Music Improvement
No data available
Physical Comfort
No data available
No data available
No data available
Hearing Improvement
No data available
No data available
Member 28 April 2019
4 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q90 Phonak Bolero Q SP
I need these hearing aids to function. It is very good compared to none or compared to previous aids. I cannot hear over a landline phone with or with out aids. I can hear on iphone with out aids or if I stream sound. Problems with connectivity with the compilot makes this unreliable so this is not a seemless option.
Kellina J
Kellina J 20 May 2018
4 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q90 Phonak Bolero Q SP
Good. I have audio shoe receivers & Roger Pen. Remote mic.
Connie U
Connie U 20 May 2017
4.5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q70 Phonak Bolero Q P
The hearing aids are the difference between missing out on most of what everyone around me is saying and having everyone shout to be heard. The TV has to be blaring without them also. Most people would give up on visiting because it was too hard. So they have made life much easier for everyone.
Anonymous 11 October 2016
3.5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q50 Phonak Bolero Q P
Anonymous 22 August 2016
4.5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q90 Phonak Bolero Q P
Anonymous 08 July 2016
4 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q50 Phonak Bolero Q P
Anonymous 01 May 2016
4 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q30 Phonak Bolero Q SP
I like them, and feel very comfortable with them.
Anonymous 01 May 2016
4.5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q70 Phonak Bolero Q P
Scares me what I haven't heard.
Member 29 February 2016
4 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q50 Phonak Bolero Q M13
There are certain sounds on the television that aren't clear. If a person is talking about 15 feet away, it's hard to understand at times--and the volume of the voice will make a difference.
Anonymous 04 February 2016
4 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q70 Phonak Bolero Q M13
My experience with my hearing aids is that at first you have to get used to them because every pair is different. But it helped me a lot to hear so many things, especially my son's voice and family. I'm really thankful that hearing aids exist, so that people like me can hear normally. In other words, I'm really thankful for my hearing aids.
Anonymous 25 January 2016
4.5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q70 Phonak Bolero Q P
This hearing aid has made a huge difference to my life. When it comes to any conversation I find I can participate without straining. It is very reliable and confortable to wear. I actually had one hearing aid before (cheap brand) and now have a modern model-one in each ear. My hearing loss is very bad and as I'm only early 40's it was the best decision to get two and step up into a better model. No looking back for me. I'm also really happy to hear I can get the ear mould made should my hearing continue to fail to aid the hearing even more. I will purchase the phone when I can to also allow me more freedom on the telephone. Can't wait!
Anonymous 20 January 2016
5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q70 Phonak Bolero Q P
Anonymous 12 December 2014
4 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q70 Phonak Bolero Q SP
Member 04 December 2014
3.5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q50 Phonak Bolero Q M13
Member 18 November 2014
2.5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q90 Phonak Bolero Q M312
ronald r
ronald r 13 November 2014
2.5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q90 Phonak Bolero Q M13
ronald r
ronald r 13 November 2014
2.5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q70 Phonak Bolero Q M312
Anonymous 08 July 2014
4.5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q70 Phonak Bolero Q M13
Member 27 June 2014
4.5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q90 Phonak Bolero Q P
At first I did not like the hearing aid. After a while the audiologist was able to fine tune it, and now I like it a lot. My biggest complaint is the battery life, which lasts only 3 days. I do not use any remote controls with the hearing aid. My room has a induction loop, so this helps me to hear with the aid in the right ear and my cochlear implant in the left ear.
Member 26 June 2014
4.5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q70 Phonak Bolero Q P
Member 26 June 2014
4 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q70 Phonak Bolero Q M312
Anonymous 22 June 2014
5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q90 Phonak Bolero Q M13
Anonymous 22 June 2014
5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q90 Phonak Bolero Q M13
Member 10 June 2014
5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q70 Phonak Bolero Q M312
Member 26 April 2014
4 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q70 Phonak Bolero Q M13
I'm a musician, and this is my first time with hearing aids. I have noticed a vast improvement in my ability hear speech, but I am still not 100% satisfied with the sound of music with the hearing aids. When I put the aids into the music program I can hear the sound of feedback even when the music sounds fine to everyone else. I would like to return to my audiologist to have this adjusted
Member 11 April 2014
3.5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q70 Phonak Bolero Q M312
Paul K
Paul K 17 March 2014
5 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q90 Phonak Bolero Q M312
These hearing aids made a difference in hearing things!
Anonymous 28 October 2013
4 stars stars
Phonak Bolero Q Q70 Phonak Bolero Q M13
I have worn Phonak Certena with thin tubes for 6 years. Huge improvement in sound quality with these new ones. I wear them with custom SlimTips, very comfortable and no feedback. The ComPilot also seems more reliable than the old iCube. Overall happy and satisfied.

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Hòa N
how much money Q90 this? could u tell me, PLS?
The hearing tube on my Phonak Q70-M312 is very stiff and in order to get it to lay flat in my ear I have to push it in to the point of pain. I tried a shorter one but that doesn't work because it just falls out of my ear and won't stay in. Are there softer, more flexible hearing tubes available?
Phonak Bolero Q90. left tT coil replaced. Still have high freq noise Due to fluorescent lights and or tv .Can this be changed Very annoying especially when singing in choir. I use MILW VA they are no help I have e normal setting and 1 SOFTER SETTINGPlease advise
I am trying to find out what size domes are on this hearing aid.....
bob p
about how long does the batteries last with this model the phonak bolera q90 p
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